Logo of ThymicUK


ThymicUK is a support and advocacy group for patients with cancers of the thymus gland (thymic cancers) such as thymoma and thymic carcinoma. Being diagnosed with cancer is difficult. Being diagnosed with a rare cancer poses additional, significant challenges. Thymic cancers are rare. It is highly unlikely that you will know anyone personally who has received this diagnosis and it is unlikely your GP will have other patients with this diagnosis. The experience can feel scary and isolating. One of our aims is to address the feeling of isolation that can accompany diagnosis of a rare disease. We are a community of patients with thymic cancers, family members and carers from across the UK. We share information and experiences and support each other. We have an active and growing Facebook group and we hold regular meetings in the UK during the year.

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    If you have been diagnosed with any of the above, get in touch with us.
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