Logo of The Aarskog Foundation

The Aarskog Foundation

The Aarskog Foundation is a global alliance of people living with Aarskog Syndrome (AS) X-Linked inherited. The Aarskog Foundation brings together National and International Aarskog Syndrome patients from around the world to create a global alliance of patients and families faced with common challenges derived from the uniqueness of this RARE Genetic condition. Addressing Aarskog Syndrome is vital in order for it to be recognised as a disability across all governing bodies to ensure all Aarskog patients have access to the same resources as any other person. Patients living with Aarskog Syndrome come together through The Aarskog Foundation in a structured environment to create an Aarskog community and a voice through advocacy and exchange experiences. To this end we aim to unite, expand and put Aarskog Syndrome on the agenda of organisations and institutions both in the UK and across the world.

About Us

© 2024 The Aarskog Foundation. All rights reserved.

Have you been diagnosed with one of these conditions?

  • Other Rare Disease

    If you have been diagnosed with any of the above, get in touch with us.
    Or email The Aarskog Foundation

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