Logo of Shine Cancer Support

Shine Cancer Support

Vision We want every adult in their 20s, 30s and 40s who is diagnosed with cancer to know they’re not alone, and to have the support, knowledge, and confidence to navigate whatever cancer throws their way. Mission There’s never a good time for a cancer diagnosis, but in your 20s, 30s or 40s there are particular challenges to navigate, like work, dating, finances and more. At Shine, we’ve been there and we get it. We’re here to help you deal with everything that your diagnosis brings, before, during and after treatment, and to welcome you into our community. Our values Inclusive – Our services are open to anyone in their 20s, 30s and 40s with a cancer diagnosis, no matter what type or stage, when your diagnosis was, or what your background is. Approachable – We want everyone in Shine’s community to feel welcomed and to feel able to get involved, and we design all our services to be friendly, fun and down-to-earth. Authentic – We’re patient-led and passionate, and we want everyone involved to have a genuine and honest voice, with patients at the heart of our work. Innovative – As a small charity, we’re adaptable and agile, and we are responsive to needs as they change. We listen to what Shine’s community is saying and strive to find practical solutions. Empowering – Our services aren’t about us “doing” to or “for” you. We want to empower you to ask the right questions, get the right information, take control, and make the best decisions for yourself. Our strategic objectives Connect – build a nationwide community of younger adults with cancer and the people around them, reducing isolation and supporting their physical and mental well-being. Inform – ensure that younger adults with cancer have access to the knowledge and support they need to make the best decisions for them. Influence – grow our influencing position and partnerships to shape a healthcare system and wider support that is suitable for the needs of young adults with cancer. Reach – increase the profile and reach of Shine, aiming for every young adult diagnosed with cancer to have access to our services and support. Build – invest in Shine’s internal capacity, governance and sustainability to build firm foundations for growth. Our goal is for these strands to come together to enable better wellbeing for younger adults with cancer, improved relationships and less isolation, more informed decision-making, and systems that are better able to meet our community’s needs.

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    © 2024 Shine Cancer Support. All rights reserved.

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