OACS Charity
We are here to support all families touched by Fetal Anti-Convulsant Syndromes. OACS is here to ensure that people living with FACS and their families will experience better recognition, improved public health services, and support.
Fetal Anti-Convulsant Syndrome is caused when the anti-convulsant medicine a woman takes during pregnancy affects the foetus. It is not yet understood why this affects some children and not others, but it is believed may be due to a genetic disposition.
About Us
Contact Information
Conditions We Support
Ear Nose Throat Disorders
- Conductive Hearing Loss
Other Rare Diseases
- Chronic Otitis Media
Fetal Anti-Convulsant Syndrome (FACS)
- Dysmorphic Features
If you've been diagnosed with any of these conditions, we're here to help.
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